about the posm

one thing about me is i love a real good niche interest. i fall down rabbit holes and come back out with treasures that i want to tell people about. the indie web seems like the perfect place to ramble on about the things i find fascinating and hope someone like-minded stumbles across it.

i make art with trash - usually marker, colored pencil, and oil pastels on cereal boxes and things like that. i collect unwanted, damaged books and make papercrafts from their pages. i've done a little bookbinding and i'm dabbling with acrylic paints, but i also want to do more three-dimensional work. turns out that i really enjoy two-dimensional art that exists as a 'thing' - tangible and with weight to it. i want to explore that further with layered work and dioramas, but we shall see. the pixel art on this site is also by me unless otherwise specified.

my favorite flowers are daffodils, goldenrod, and sweet autumn clematis. my favorite birds are white-throated sparrows and mockingbirds. i adore jumping spiders, especially twin-flagged jumpers.

thirty-something, queer, married, and sick to death of late-stage capitalism.