thoughts on books i enjoy. writing is hard, so expect updates and elaborations over time. beware: dropdowns contain potential spoilers.
author: Brandon Sanderson
book 1: The Final Empire (2006)
book 2: The Well of Ascension (2007)
book 3: The Hero of Ages (2008)
last read: jan - feb 2025
broke out of a reading slump by trying these out via audiobook and got hooked very quickly. some of the writing is like being slapped in the face with a wooden clog ("the destruction around him was a metaphor for his life," "we can hold multiple meetings a day as long as we don't schedule them at the same time") but the worldbuilding and, more importantly, the plotbuilding are so immaculate that i had to shotgun all three books.
i plan on working through the next era as well, and then i suppose i'll have to wait for ol brando sando to feed me more...
what a character. what an outlook on religion and duty. what a tragic man. what an absolute legend. and that ending... i cried. the last bit of Hero of Ages implies that he reunites with Tindwyl after it all and that does my heart so good.
ferrochemy, hemollurgy, lord Yeoman, lord Set, Luthidel, Urtoh, Phaedrix city, the Terrace Mountains, terracemen, aetium, Elendi (which led to mild confusion). just audiobook things, i suppose.
though i also wonder if some of these were intentional given the obvious connection between koloss/colossus and kandra/contract?
Vin and Elend's tiny wedding and the first time Elend pulled the "that's my wife!" card.
unprotected Elend going "fuck it" and attacking a koloss by himself.
the reveal of the koloss's insistence that "we... are... human..." and the jawdrop it caused at 1 in the morning.
for Tensoon, most noble of wolfhounds.
for Tindwyl, warrior mother beyond compare.
the southern reach series, the Earthsea cycle, Jim Butcher, Bartimaeus
would also like to give this place its own theme at some point.